Chairperson Update

4 Nov 2017 by Ben Parkinson

G’day everyone

I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather. It has certainly made the outdoor work at the Defence Shed more pleasurable. Unfortunately with this warm weather, we have made the decision to keep the chickens off-site for their welfare.

In positive news, Defence Shed Port Adelaide has had a great increase in community profile recently with our successful support to Tarnanthi at the Port. For our support, the Port Adelaide Enfield Council have kindly donated $500 to us for our workshop. Ted and Aaron have been busy getting the workshop set up and this will make it a lot easier for our projects.

This community involvement has also opened the door to many more community projects and we would like everyone to come and get involved.

We have also had quite a few visits from different organisations interested in referring veterans to Defence Shed due to our positive and hands on approach. What we do is effective in assisting rehabilitation and this is now being recognised and encouraged.

Recognising the growth of our organisation and the need for the committee to have support, we will be implementing a roster system for opening and closing the Defence Shed to share the load. If we get in the unfortunate position of not having someone rostered we will not open on that day. We will also be advertising shortly for community volunteers to assist in a number of areas including administration, activity coordination, social coordination, welfare coordination and fundraising and sponsorship coordination. If you or someone you know are able to regularly assist please email Leonie –

In the run to the end of the year, we will need volunteers for fundraising events and local events. Please consider lending a hand for these as many hands make light work, and gives some of our regulars a much needed break. To volunteer, RSVP for the event under the events tab on the app.

Wrapping up, the Defence Shed is here for you, the members. We would love to know how we can make the Shed better and more accessible for you to attend, feel free to email us with your feedback at anytime.

See you down the Shed.

Ben Parkinson
Defence Shed Port Adelaide


31 Nile St, Port Adelaide SA 5015

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